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Hello I'm Massimo Bignamini and i currently live in Italy. I'm a game developer specialized in Game Design and Level Design.


During my studies at Digital Bros Game Academy I improved my skills in Game Design and Videogame development.

In particular I refined my Level Design skills (Unity 3D) and learned the basics of game programming (C#).

After the school I started my own projects to learn more about Videogame programming and Level Design. Developing alone gave me the chance to improve every aspect of Videogame development and to understand better needs and roles of the team. 

I began creating my own game in a 24h challenge.

Here the gameplay of the game made in 24h

(Video by Evil):

Once I finished the challenge I wanted to expand the project making it bigger and more refined.

Here the trailer of the prototype I made

(Video by Evil):

To improve my level design abilities i started creating challenging levels in Golf With Your Friends.

Here the levels I created (all the maps have been approved by the developers)

(Videos by Ghostzapper):

I enjoy competition, therefore game jams stimulates my creativity and help me improve in game development and team cooperation.

Since 2019 I'm part of the Green Flamingo Studios.



Our current main project is Sphere Gear.

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